When my cousin (dennisergleinteriors.com) and I redecorated "the boys room" at my mom's house, we also gave my room (now, more of a guest room) a makeover! Pretty much everything you see in these pictures has been directly transported from my college bedroom.
I just love the window panes. The first time I truly fell in love with this idea was about 3 years ago at Mike and Cree Ham's marvelous home in Knoxville, TN. Above their bed was a french door and I thought it was such a creative way to branch out from the tradition headboard look. It was so creative and artistic which was a theme that occurred throughout their home. Now that I'm writing this I realize that the day I step foot in their home was the beginning of my interior decorating passion/crafting passion in general. Thank you Mike and Cree!
The turquoise desk was a piece that I got off craig's list and re-painted. I started with a lighter color base coat and then a watered down darker blue which I brushed over the top. It's a piece that I hope will stick around for a long time!
I now have an original Mike Ham piece in my bedroom (http://www.facebook.com/pages/mike-ham-contemporary-folk-artist/105669796148542?v=wall&ref=share ). We have a few throughout our house, but for graduation I received my very own! It sits above my grandparents stunning lime green chair!!
My 100% most favorite thing in my room is the record player that Andrew (my man friend) got me for Christmas! We've started a rockin' record collection!
My 101% most favorite thing in my room is monica and andrew sitting in it until the wee hours of the night, pillow talking:) I hope that there will be many many more beautiful memories made in this very room!

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