Thursday, March 3, 2011


We realize it has been a while... a long while since we have updated our blog, so here it goes. Here is a short summary of our lives during these last two months.

We are now roomies. ROOMIES! We can't even believe it. Life at Skillz (the name of our apartment, duh) is amazing.

Some things that are constant at Skillz: brushing our teeth in the kitchen sink, sharing of clothes, watching netflix movies, not watching TV (well until a few weeks ago when we realized we had basic cable), eating taco soup and paninis, listening to Sara Bareilles, encouraging each other, Trinity Grace Bible studies, going over songs for auditions, singing in the shower, coffee in the morning and TJ's red wine at night.

Brooklyn is wonderful.

Lindsay is currently babysitting, catering, auditioning, directing and getting her creativity on at Larry Abel Designs. I am interning at and HHC Marketing. In my free time I've been known to work some tradeshows and getting my creativity on at Larry Abel with Lindsay. The job search has been interesting for the both of us.

We worked a Godiva event about a month ago where we ate our weight in dark chocolate. Who knew you could glue chocolate onto chocolate with chocolate?

We've celebrated birthdays, national championships, holidays, call-backs and interviews, seen some shows, had girls and game nights AND we've had some pretty amazing people come to visit (individual posts are required to share the incredibleness of those events). I've been home once and last week went skiing with my family (also more on that later). Lindsay has some trips home coming up and some friends coming in town soon! We stay pretty dang busy up here.

We mostly stay in Brooklyn and Manhattan, but we have ventured up to Queens to see Ryan Koss and Co. and I have even made a trip to Jersey. Only recently have we really seen what Williamsburg has to offer, and boy is it great. We can't wait for it to stay warm so we can walk around our area, finally exercise and maybe play some soccer!

We are very blessed and thankful to be where we are right now. Life couldn't be better for me, and I'm pretty sure Lindsay feels the same way... if only our families, friends and boyfriends... oh no wait, that's just Lindsay... could ALL move up here, THEN life would be perfect.

Thanks for being patient. More updates to come this weekend!

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